Ok bitchfists - this be the
On thursday the 2th of July 2008 Webkilla took a little trip to yonder United Bluff, and stay there for almost three weeks... during which much lulz, american foodings and girly/boyfriendy time was had.
Also, I myself, took all these pictures... just like in Eire
This first picture was actually taken in Copenhagen airport... I found it quite amuzing.
And then there was liftoff... Salute, FOR THE MOTHERLAND!
Zoom to the US, New Jersey no less... where everything looks like those old quiet neighborhoods you see in the movies? Seriously...
Fourth of July party hard. People present on picture, clockwise from the table edge facing the camera: Christina (My girlfriend), Joe (Her dad), Mikey (Her adopted brother), Tomoko (Her friend) and finally Rosanne (Her mom)
Homg New York! Times Square! SHIT IS TALL HERE WTF!?!
New York pizza of epic and win - is New York pizza of epic and win
Yes that's me, yes that's the empire state building!
ZOMG Philadelphia! Pat's Cheese steak, it is delicious and win! So is girlfriend!
Be afraid... be very afraid
Hershey park - a (by danish standards) rediciously huge theme park!
I mean... come on - wtf?
They did sell this though... 5 pound chocolate bars!
Epic woodwork of root-carvings! If you love me, you'll get me more of this stuff!
Philadelphia museum of art and stuff! HUGE LIKE WTF!?!
Rocky - had to do it
Phily skyline - very pretty
Rehoboth beach - very... beachy?
International House Of Pancakes - OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!
Washintong DC, the FDR presidential monument... dude was elected president FOUR times!
Washingtong DC's "national mall" - basically a shitload of museums and monuments
Girlfriend and her very nice buddy down in Virginia
A farewell kiss... :(
And no, thats not all the pictures I've taken that are worth mentioning - but its all I'm gonna put up here... hehe
My trip was basically quite nice, very educational, quite enriching (despite
the amount of money I spent there which will most likely leave me in dept for
another year) and has left me wanting more.
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