
Ladies and cockmonglers, lithe and listen - for this be the tale of yonder webcartoonists pub-crawl through Ireland!

On saturday the 5th of August 2006 Webkilla and his family (the geezers and sis) ventured off to ye ol' Eire, home of much stout and other kinds of beer.

Also, I myself, took all these pictures... yay for 5megaPixel digital cameras.


What happened first upon our flight was of course getting to Ireland... so, land ho, Dublin sighted:

The interesting part of Dublin is not shown in this pic...


Then we start dicking around in Dublin, here at some cathedral, St. Patricks if I'm not wrong... with my sis and parrents down in bottom right corner.

No leprechauns in sight...


Then we took a little joyride...

Bottoms up!


and found this...

Bottoms up and over...


then hit the pubs:

Whats the craic? The craic is mighty...


Then we ventured out and found the pretty landscapes:

Mmmmm purdy... with bald spots


and a big ass waterfall:

This picture was taken wet


and some hill-strewn farmlands:

The irish 'Hill-paddy' lives here


then there were old castles and stuff:

Kilkenny Castle... omg, they kilkenny! You bastards!


and cliffy coastlines:

Hard rock life


and here a part of Blarney castle... no, I did not want to touch a stone that thousands of people slobber on each day... I value my health

Non sticky attitude


then there were the 'druid camp' near Blarney castle...



and some real purdy coastline/bay/whatnot with sheep down bellow...

More purdy! wee!


and some scattered houses and villages in rocky bays...

Who want to live there?


Some lakes near Killarney:

T'was a national park even!


some more rocky coastline:

Now with sun!


some more ruins and interestingly geometricly shaped rocky coastline:

Diagonal cliffs... how rare


some wild boars...

Do not say 'bacon' near them...


some cliffs of Moher

Bird shit capital of the world


A castle turned nunnery:

Holy SHIT!!!


...with a very nice view



And that's pretty much all the pictures I've taken that are worth mentioning...
Sure, I took 65 and have only shown you lot 21, but not all of them were that good or that interesting.

But aside from what the photos show, then I experiences quite a few Bed&Breakfasts, some good, some sodomizingly sucky - plus a lot more:

- a lot of Heritage Centers. These were local 'this is what happened in this area in times of yonder' places... very cool and informative places actually, I suggest anyone going to Ireland to find as many of these as possible!

- a lot of beer... duh. There of course were Guiness, but there was also the oldest beer in Ireland: Smithwicks, which was incredibly rich and tasty, and not remotely as heavy or thick as the guiness.

- I learned that a lot of Irish folk likes danish beer... Carlsberg Lager. Now, here at home in Denmark Carlsberg lager and pilsner type beer is considered the mediocre standard.... but over there, damn... it was the shit!

- I learned that the term 'boycot' stems from the irish, as it was the commercial shunning of one Captain Boycot that started it all. (boycot went out of business shortly after because nobody wanted to buy his wares)

- I learned that I do not, under any circumstances, understand the native tongue of Gaelic (not even when drunk)

- I learned that while the 'typical' irish person is red-haired, then that is not a native trait. I came from vikings (like meself) who plundered, pillaged and raped for fun and profit.

- I learned that eating baked beans as part of your breakfast for two weeks will make you fart all day long for those two weeks...

- I learned that irish police, the Garda, was very anti-orcish. Observe:

Poor orcs... so much hate against them :p




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